Datawedge Download Mc9190z
ScanWedge and DataWedge are the same with different names. I am not sure, but it may be that one is for mobile and the other for CE. Or one name was created by motorola and the other by symbol. If you want to have full control over when and where scanning in your application is possible, you have to use one of the Motorola SDKs (MDKs).
If the device is running Windows CE you need the platform SDK and an EMDK (EMDK provide the API for the Barcode Scanner and other Motorola related features. There are EMDKs for.Net, C and Java. The platform SDK provides the CE platform files as built for the MC3100 CE operating system.
Must download files from the Intermec Web site to enable bar code scans on. Set the value of the maximo.mobile.barcode property to DATAWEDGE. You can enable RFID scans on Motorola MC9190-Z and Motorola MC3190-Z RFID.
In contrast to Windows Mobile, Windows CE devices are totally free in OS design and so the OEM should provide a platform SDK to enable developers to do programming against this platform.
It's been 15 years since I used those ex-Symbol hand held devices, but I will try to be of some help anyway. There are two ways you can use scanning device on them. First is to use a Symbol scanner data wedge application to redirect scanner input into any edit field that is in focus.
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That is the most simple way and that looks to your application like user has typed him self the barcode or RFID number, so programming is easy. Second is to use Symbol provided DLLs directly, and that is what you see that SymScan does - a component wrapped around 'symscanapi.pp' which contains bindings to 'SCNAPI32.DLL'. For RFID scanning there is no such component. You have to make it. As the SymScan author had to download C/C++ SDK and convert 'SCNAPI32.DLL' bindings to Pascal, you will have to download SDK and convert 'RFIDAPI32.DLL' C bindings to Pascal.
If I remember well in the time of Symbol it used to be called Symbol SDK, in time of Google/Motorola it was called Motorola EMDK, and now in Zebra time they call it EMDK for C. Here are some links to give you some startup info.