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Messages.com.epicgames.plugin.commentrating.comments.sort messages.com.epicgames.plugin.commentrating.comments.sort.createdat.desc messages.com.epicgames.plugin. Unreal engine marketplace kubold rifle animset pro 1. Intel + Unreal. Submit Content. Marketplace FAQ. Marketplace Guidelines. Hiya Kubold, still having the same problem of being unable to access the anims from the download link, set you an email, hope to hear from you soon. It was in reference to 'Rifle Aimset Pro' 'Cover Aimset Pro' and 'Sword & Shield Aimset Pro. Oct 08, 2014 All Things Related to the Unreal Engine Marketplace. Discuss Marketplace Offerings, Request New Content, Promote Your Work. Thanks for the detailed response Kubold! This is very good info to know. Originally posted by Kubold View Post. The movement animations in the rifle pack all seem to be in the aiming pose, do you have plans. Apr 24, 2015 All Things Related to the Unreal Engine Marketplace. Discuss Marketplace Offerings, Request New Content, Promote Your Work. Rifle Animset Pro. Here's the next one after Movement Animset Pro. Over 130 mocaps of a character with rifle - processed, cut and game ready. I just submitted. Next - cover system animations, Gears. Unreal Engine Marketplace – Kubold Animset Pro VaultCache Pack 4.17 This Pack Includes the following for UE4 version 4.17: Fighting Animset Pro.