Download Microprose Magic The Gathering 2010 Custom Installer Iso
JMich: See my post a bit higher up. Played that version without problems a few months ago on Win7. And how long did you play it? Getting the game to run isn't too difficult but it has numerous problems ranging from speed problems (speed is to high on the world map) up to at least somewhat frequent hangs (the AI simply stops doing anything during its turn) during duels. I managed to get by most of the problems but never found anything that helps against the hangs. I've been playing the game for years in that state even back in the days of Windows XP so the problems aren't really new.
I'd really love to have a properly fixed version that runs flawless on modern systems. Bouchart: No, they don't work on Win 7 64 bit. I tried myself a couple weeks ago with my copies of the game. This is a weird title since it runs only in Windows 95 or 98, and compatibility mode and DOSbox don't work. Supposedly there's a way to get them running but I haven't figured out how. That's too bad, guess I just found some bad information concerning their compatibility. I actually have had very good luck getting my older disc based games working on windows 7 64bit.
Magic The Gathering Full PC Game Overview. Magic The Gathering Download Free Full Game is a computer game published by MicroProse in April 1997 based on the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering. It is often referred to as Shandalar after the plane of Shandalar, where the game takes place.
Still wouldn't hurt to try if I would get ahold of them once again. JMich: To completion. All dungeons, half the map on manalinks, ~400 cards etc. I've been hoping for so long that GOG would release Microprose's game. I was completely unaware of the fans efforts.
I'm glad you posted the link to their forums. However, now I'm a bit confused, and seeing that you have played the game using their version, I want to ask you, 'which have you played' / 'which do you recommend': Shandalar 2012 Install, or Microprose Magic the Gathering 2010 Custom Installer ISO? As far as I can tell the ISO is the original Microprose game, patched to work on modern systems, while the Shandalar 2012 version is a complete fan remake with replacement artwork. JMich: But feel free to play with whatever seems better for your taste, or why not both?
Well, this is why I'm confused. I wouldn't play both, because they are essentially the same game, or am I missing something? I would prefer to play the game as close as possible to the original. And if I understand correctly the Shandalar version has all new, fan made, artwork for the cards, thus avoiding the need for Microprose original artwork. I fail to see why they would choose to single out the artwork, while presumably still using the sound assets from Microprose version.
Magic The Gathering Full PC Game Overview Magic The Gathering Download Free Full Game is a computer game published by MicroProse in April 1997 based on the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering. It is often referred to as Shandalar after the plane of Shandalar, where the game takes place. The player must travel the land and fight random enemies to gain cards, and defeat five wizards representing the five colors. The player must prevent one color from gaining too much power, and defeat the planeswalker Arzakon, who has a deck of all five colors.
Adventure game and role-playing game elements are present, including inventory, gold, towns, dungeons, random battles, and character progression in the form of new abilities and a higher life point total. An oversized version of Aswan Jaguar was included in the game box. Two related products were released, the expansion pack Spells of the Ancients and Duels of the Planeswalkers. Duels of the Planeswalkers was an improved version of the main game that didn't require the original to be installed. Game mechanics The game has several modes: a single-player campaign, a duel or tournament against computer-controlled opponents, and later a multiplayer experience added by the Manalink add-on.