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Please feel free to donate CSGO and TF2 items to me if you support my work, it'll really help. If you do I'll add you and thank you. Fredo was born to Vito and Carmela Corleone in 1919. In his youth he was a sickly child, contracting pneumonia as a baby.
Growing up, he was an aggressive young man, despite briefly wishing to become a priest after meeting Father Stefano, but it was believed that Stefano molested him, leading him to abandon his training. As an adult he was seen as the weakest of the three brothers and was given relatively unimportant business to run.
However, he was also known as a charismatic young man, and was usually sent to pick important people up at the airport and entertain them before business meetings. Fredo later moved to Las Vegas and was taken by Moe Greene as a favor to the family, who were funded by Anthony Molinari from the West Coast. Greene never treated Fredo as an equal partner however, becoming irritated by Fredo's womanizing activities, and even put him in danger by having him dispose of a business partner's body. When Moe refused to sell out to Michael, Fredo attempted to defend him and was told never to side against the family again.
Greene was later killed in 1955. Kartochka esli moya mashina vam meshaet pozvonite shablon. Fredo's behavior in Vegas was considered embarrassing to the family, largely because of his notorious habit of impregnating showgirls. At the funeral for Don Molinari of San Francisco, Fredo gets the idea of setting up a necropolis similar to Colma in New Jersey.
The Corleone family would be able to buy up the former cemetery land cheap, now prime real estate, and also be a silent partner in the graveyard business. Fredo would propose this plan to Mike and impress him, reassuring him and others of his abilities.
To Fredo's dismay, Michael would end up not going for it. At the Christmas of 1956, Fredo showed up at the Corleone Christmas party with Deanna Dunn, a famous, yet by this time, fading, movie starlet.
A few months later they got married. Dunn got Fredo to make appearances in bit parts in some of her movies. Later, in September 1957, Fredo's Hollywood connections allowed him to get his own successful TV show, 'The Fred Corleone Show', which aired irregularly, usually on Monday nights, until his death in 1959, on a local television station in Nevada. Fredo's drinking problems continued and accelerated. One day, he discovered Deanna cheating on him with her movie co-star Matt Marshall, and Fredo shot-up the Corvette he had bought her. When Deanna's co-star tried to attack him, Fredo ended up knocking him unconscious with a pistol whip and went to a local jail. Tom Hagen came to bail him out and got in an argument about Fredo's reckless activity and Tom's blind loyalty to Michael.
Tom again got the charges lessened to self defense after paying off Marshall and the hotel. Nick Geraci met with Don Vincent Forlenza, the Don of Cleveland, and discussed how Fredo could fit into their plans to take down Michael. The deal with Hyman Roth had now reached a stalemate, and they figured Fredo could be used as a pawn to let Hyman Roth succeed.
Free singer 6038c manual. If Fredo was told they could help him with his Colma vision, he'd do anything to help. Fredo met with Johnny Ola and supplied him with all the information they needed, especially financial information, about the Corleone family.
Fredo ambiguously claimed that his goal in that deal was simply to get something for himself, on his own, and swore that he did not realize he was being used as part of a larger plot to kill his brother. However, in the event of Michael's assassination, Fredo would likely have led the Corleone family, at least as a figurehead. Michael discovered Fredo's role in the plot during his trip to Havana, when Fredo let it slip out, that he and Johnny Ola had been in Havana together earlier that year and they went to the show together.