Dumpper V704 Jumpstart
Salutare, Hai sa va arat o jucarie cu care va puteti enerva vecinii spargandu-le parolele de internet cu Windows Aplicatia asta este facuta de LAMPIWEB cei care au scos si STKEYS acum ceva ani in urma. Este in limba Spaniola, dar pentru noi nu este o problema nu-I asa pentru ca de la capsuni am inceput LOL Hai sa incepem. In primul rand descarca Dumpper si JumpStart ( ai linkurile mai jos ), extract si instaleaza mai intai JumpStart dupa care Dumpper. Dupa ce a-ti descarcat, instalat si bla bla bla.deschideti Dumpper. Alegeti adaptorul sau antenna cu care puteti scana retelele dupa care apasati butonul SCAN. Sus in bara prima optiune este Redes iar a doua este WPS apasati butonul WPS dupa care bifati „TODAS LAS REDES” si apastai butonu scan din nou. O sa aveti retelele care au WPS activat, alegeti reteaua pe care vreti sa o matrasiti si apasati butonul INICIAR JUMPSTART care se afla jos sub fereastra unde scaneaza retelele ” care este.
Sesudah anda selesai install kemudian buka Dumpper dan silahkan cari jaringan wifi (hotspot) yang diproteksi oleh password kemudian scan Pindah ke tab WPS pilih Todas Las Redes dan scan Pilih jaringan hotspot dan klik Iniciar JumpStart (Tunggu sampai proses hack selesai).
” Acolo jos unde scrie Ruta trebuie sa apara folderol unde este instalat JumpStart daca nu introduceti voi C: Program Files JumpStart ASTEPT COMENTARII SI INTREBARI!!!!!!!!
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Select a section below to listen to the audio. She enjoyed becoming aware in the yuilquq (subsistence camp) and spoke fondly of the days when people practiced the subsistence way of life. She worked as an elder for the Yup'ik Preschool Program and enjoyed passing on the elders’ knowledge to parents of preschool children in the community. Born: November 15, 1934 Birthplace: Akiachak Parents: Senakvaq and Louise Henry Yup'ik Name: Ilegvak Marriage: George Moses Children: Raised 10 children Nellie Ilegvak (Fritz) Moses worked for the Akiachak Native Community and the Yupiit School District as a custodian for several years. Biography written by Sophie Kasayulie.