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Legenda o korkite chitatj video. Reusing and automating engineering workflows – with a focus on smelting and rolling mill engineering This white paper outlines the areas of activity which are relevant to the implementation of a modularisation and reuse concept as well as for the realisation of automated engineering processes. Focus is placed on basic and detail engineering in electrical, plant automationand fluid power (hydraulics, water lubrication, etc.). Additionally, empirical values and outcomes which have become evident due to the implementation of these engineering methods will be explained and quantified.
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Download EPLAN Education Student. Students, pupils and trainees have access to a licence that can be downloaded for free for the duration of their training in order to intensify and build upon previous lessons. EPLAN Version 2.5 will ONLY be delivered in 64-bit. EPLAN 64-bit requires Microsoft Office 64-bit or Office 32-bit with SQL or SQL. The global operation of the EPLAN Solution Center utilizes a solution provided by an external technical service provider. Some of the data processing may take place outside of the EU.