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After the initial excitement;-) had settled down in the mid-nineties, it was, on order of magnitude, about $100 per year. Every once in a while, an interested mathematician would buy a copy.
Other than that, in order to sell such a book, there has to be a graduate level class on the subject at some university (attended typically by about 5 people), and the teacher has to pick your book over a handful of other options. I haven't kept track of the grand total that I made off the book, but it would certainly be a rather crappy used VW Golf.
I am so far removed from academia now that I have never thought about how I would publish a book like that today. My first impulse would be to make it a free ebook. Web search for 'free course textbooks' indicates that this is not unheard of.
Does anyone know how common it is, at various levels of higher education? Just to emphasize your comment: anyone looking to expand their knowledge should download pdfs and epubs from genlib/libgen (I pronounce it 'libgen'). It's changed the way I read. Now, if I have even a passing interest in a book, I download it and read the introduction. If I like it, I get it from the library.
If I like my first reading, I buy the book. The two things that have increased the range of my intellectual interests in 2015 have been libgen and twitter (where people more interesting than me talk about their research with others). I'll play devil's advocate: do you?
In America (the only country I'm familiar with), people are sued by the RIAA or MPAA for copyright infringement. I've never seen a pattern of lawsuits for pirating books[0]. So there's very little risk of getting caught. If someone has a moral problem with my piracy, I'd reply that I'm a paying member of my local library and I purchase far more books than the average person. If someone has a moral problem with them personally pirating, I'd suggest trying it out. You'll be so happy that you'll retroactively justify your behavior.
Mine Mine no Mi Mod 1.7.10 is a video game mod for Minecraft, which introduces many aspects of the anime One Piece into the game. This mod adds around 22 Devil Fruits from both Anime and Manga. Help you to Find and download One Piece Mods.Explore Minecraft world with One Piece Mods. Dual Hand Mod 1.7.10 Mine Mine no Mi Mod 1.7.10 is a video game mod for Minecraft, which introduces many aspects of the anime One Piece into the game. OP-Craft Mod combines the Anime/Manga “One Piece” and Minecraft. The Mod will implement Devil Fruits, Weapons, Food and other Stuff for the One Piece Universe. Note: This Mod will include stuff from the current Japanese Anime/Manga.