Lineage 2 Enchant Calculator
•; Jerry Prochnicky (1991). •; Jerry Prochnicky (1991). Break On Through: The Life and Death of Jim Morrison. P. 292-293, 295.. Break On Through: The Life and Death of Jim Morrison.
Database search for: Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D) Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D) Type: Scroll When enchanted the P. Of all D-Grade weapons will increase by 2 with the exception of bows, which will increase by 4.
Of all weapons increases by 2. Bonus will double for all weapon types.
A guide for the exact bonus effects you get from enchanting your heavy, light or robe armor set to +6. Lineage 2 Armor Sets +6 Overenchant Bonus Exact Effects. It doesn't have MW S-grade sets on it XD. Is an awesome calculator.
Hello Dear Fellows, I would like to share with you this simple project:. I made it myself some time ago, and it was online for a while but on a different domain. I almost gave up on this project since it wasnt very popular. And since I can't invest more to keep it alive I've decided to move whole page and database from dedicated server to some free shared hosting. I really hope that you will find this project usefull. It was made specificaly for my favourite L2 chronicle - Interlude, but it covers partialy also High Five and Valiance.
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