Sigerous Mod 17 Torrent

вторник 23 октябряadmin

Jul 24, 2010 - Forum Index » S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat Forum » Mod downloads. Messages: 254, SGM 1.6 UPDATE ---QUOTATION--. 17:04:12 18 July 2010. (full game with SGM/Braz addon).

Sigerous (SGM) comes from a Russian development team that's headed up by Nikolay Bolotov (GeJorge), It was in development for many years and in that time a number of excellent versions were released. The plan is to upload a selection of All-in-ones that span from SGM 1.7 up to SGM 2.2. Note: I'm not one of the mod's developers, my involvement has been through doing the English translations from 1.7 Geonezis on. Each mod will come with a read me that gives you any relevant info you'll need and a list of known contributors. IMPORTANT: Add this simple fix to get the Atmosfear emissions working. Credit list: S.G.M. 2.1: ABC Team, albor59 Angel, Bulat, DiM, [DM], GeJorge (Nikolay Bolotov), GEONEZIS, Hemul, JeLome, modeler, MUTANT7, Nxxx, Pavel Tomilov, [PROTOTYPE], Revision, SEA_CAT, Shin, Shoker, Vaiteria.

Atmosfear 3 + Absolute Nature 3: Cromm Cruac, imperialreign. Fixes/Patches: BegunValkery, jeb101, nashathedog. SGM 1.7 Translation: abcdef., Filthy Monkey, Holty07, JimByr, Lito602, Lucian, lukass, Racemate. Kabhi alvida na kehna mp3 320kbps free download. SGM 2.1 Translation: david.m.e (nashathedog), IloveSHOC.

Dynamic news: VanoSanturi. Dynamic news translation: Spaceghost. I've been loving this mod to death, but opon deciding to tweak the mod config file (the one in gamedata configs mod_parameters) i found out that the game refuse to load any changes made in the file. I checked that the file is saved properly, and it is. I've tried reinstalling the mod, starting a new save, doing a clean CoP install, and just about anytihng i can come up with. (applies to both version 2.1 and 2.2) Could you please help me out with it?


I REALLY want to tweak the files to my liking (for example teduce alpha squad spawns. I can hardlyl eave skadowsk without getting gunned down)! (also, one thing about the 2.2 version; do you know of a working spawner that includes items added by the weapon addon? Because tbh i like the 2.2 better, but the lack of a proper spawner bothers me a lot) +1 vote. Yes, At some point you got a task from th emilitary where you went and picked up a stash in Zaton which contained a merc suit, a pair of night vision glasses and some other bits, One of the other bits was a flashdrive which you double click to use and it activates a new hostage task in Jupiter, On that task make sure to loot all the mercs holding the guy hostage after you kill them and he has a PDA with a passwword for entering the base. Once you've had the PDA you can go to the Merc base in Jupiter wearing a Merc suit and they let you in, They also have a leader with a selection of tasks and eventually the opportunity to join the Mercs will arise which leads to more tasks.