Temp File Cleaner By Oldtimer V3190 Download
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Aug 21, 2010 TFC - Temp File Cleaner by OldTimer Welcome to Geeks to Go - Register now for FREE Geeks To Go is a helpful hub, where thousands of. Eurotic tv gia.
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First Hello Everyone! New to the site and want to thank everyone for the good information. I am hoping I can get some help. I have a Dell XPS 9550 running Win 10. I have had it for about 6 months now. Downloaded TFC the other day to give it a good clean and I think it did the job a bit too well. After running TFC, MS Edge does not work properly and now I have found the apps in the store no longer function either. For example, Sling TV from the apps only opens and closes, does not run. I downloaded a separate Sling TV onto my desktop and it works fine. MS Edge opens but does not show all of the pictures.
For example using MSN as a home page only the main photo will show. The other news photos are grey boxes. I also tried going into the powershell but still the same problem. I believe it has something to do with MS account also. IE and Google work just fine. I have read only one other person having this problem thus far.
If anyone has information on how to get Edge and my MS account back to normal, please advise. Edited by hamluis, 06 May 2017 - 09:29 AM. Moved from W10 Discussion to W10 Spt - Hamluis. Welcome to Bleeping Computer. Try doing a System Restore. Press the Windows key and the R key to open the Run box.
When the Run box opens copy and paste rstrui.exe in the search box, then click/tap on OK. When System Restore opens click/tap on Next. In the page that opens there will be a box in the lower left portion of the page for Show more restore points. Place a check in this box, then select a date prior to the start of the problem. Next will now be accessible, click/tap on it to continue. Follow the direction to complete the restore.
So I did more resarch and finally figured out how to rename the WindowsApp to WindowsApp.old using this link:. First try gave me a different error code. 2nd attempt ran again in Safe mode and restore was successful except Sling TV App. I have to download Sling TV onto desktop and use from there. Everytime i tried from WindowsApps it would begin to open and then close without starting. But when I tried MS Edge again only the main photo showed and all others were 'grayed' out.
Now that I have rolled back the changes from TFC I am suspecting it is something else. I will now try other Apps. If they too do not run I think it may be something with my MS account. Thanks for the advice and help. If anyone has suggestions on MS Edge or Apps, let me know. Elektronnuyu knigu ovchinnikov 500 uprazhnenij.
@runxtc First off, welcome to Bleeping Computer. You need to start your own topic. If there had been more information regarding your problem this post could have been split from this topic to create a topic for your issue. Since you don't have enough information to do this you need to open your own topic. I realize that you see similar issues in Erricrcco's topic, but most of the time what seems similar to your problem turns out to have enough differences that your problem is actually different.