Google Play Services Apk Download For Android 236
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Google Play services 8.1.02 (2204618-236) (236) By Google LLC. Google LLC Google Play services. Download APK. There's a more recent version available below! Google Play services is used to update Google apps and apps from Google Play.
How to install apk with obb data To install the APK with OBB/Data, you will need to have: • APK file • OBB or Data folder (usually a zip file downloaded from internet) Install APK on Your Android Phone First you need to install the APK file on your android phone. In order to do that, simply follow the steps below: • Place the APK file in your phone’s SDcard or Internal memory (preferably external SDcard). • Browse your phone memory/external memory and tap on the APK file.
• Click ‘install’ • Wait for the APK to install. • Do not run the application yet. • After successful installation, you need to place the Data / OBB file in the right place.
Code: STABLE RELEASE: 27-10-13' Updated GmsCore(3.2.66) Updated PlayStore to Build Version 4.4.21 30-05-13' Updated GmsCore(3.1.36) Updated PlayStore to Build Version 4.1.10 09-04-13' Updated GmsCore(3.0.27) 02-03-13' Updated GmsCore (3.0.25) Updated PlayStore to Build Version 3.10.14 09-01-13' Updated GmsCore.apk 01-01-13' Updated GmsCore.apk 27-12-12' Updated PlayStore to Build Version 3.10.10 Updated GmsCore.apk Removed Youtube.apk ( Ads cannot be bypassed in v2.4.4 since they are now server sided. Download the latest youtube app from playstore if you require it. ) Removed more bloatware. 26-11-12' Updated PlayStore to Build Version 3.10.9 04-11-12' Updated PlayStore to Build Version 3.9.17 Reverted back to Youtube v2.4.4 - If you want to watch 5-15 seconds of Ads, dont hesitate to update Youtube;) Added script to fix permissions in updater-script (Now you dont need to reboot once more after flashing Gapps) 13-10-12' Updated PlayStore to Build Version 3.9.16 Updated Youtube to v4.1.23 Added gms.apk (Google Play Services) to prevent delay in startup of playstore for devices running on 2G. Do not uninstall it.
It will get auto-installed by itself. It is now a part of playstore for integration with google+ 25-08-12' Updated PlayStore to Build Version 3.8.17 All bugs fixed. 19-08-12' Updated PlayStore to Build Version 3.8.16 Fixed a bug where you would get force close in playstore when updating gapps.
30-07-12' Fixed a bug where the home button wouldnt work after flashing gapps. Updated PlayStore to Build Version 3.7.15 06-07-12' Updated PlayStore to Build Version 3.7.13 Removed Notepad.apk (To retain originality of Gapps) Removed more bloatware.
11-5-12' Updated Market to 3.5.19 14-4-12' Updated Market to 3.5.16 Added a very useful app not present in CM7 (Notepad.apk 44kb) Updated Market to 3.5.15 Added Latest Market. Added Market Updater back, so you would be getting all the market updates. Used my Previous thread as base. So Gtalk will be having the right screen layout. Signed all apps. Screenshots: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash in ClockworkMod Recovery.
Can be used for any Custom ROM with Gingerbread Baseband ( 2.3.5 - 2.3.7 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Link: MD5: b8611926f509b094a7534d3e2b825c3a. What's New!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.4.21 Read here - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v4.1.10 4.1.10 fixes the severe battery-draining location bug introduced in Google Play Services recently, which was especially painful for HTC users. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.10.14 The difference in size compared to the previous version 3.10.10 from a bit over 2 months ago is about 14KB, and after ripping through the APK, I found no significant changes. There are some tweaks to the billing code, but from what I can tell, this is a bug fix release. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.10.10 is a bug fix release most likely. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to know whats new on v3.10.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3.9.17 The most notable and immediately apparent new feature is the long overdue ability to remove apps you've previously downloaded from the All Apps list. If you like to try a lot of apps, that list is likely very cluttered.
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