Adobe Muse Widgets Library Download
This time dependen Page (Auto) Redirect is a Free Adobe Muse Widget helps you set up a time after which the page will be redirected to a new one. This allows you to have Thanks You Page, Welcome Page or 404 page that has a limited time function. After a few seconds your audience will be taken to the new page. This helps your audience to use your website with ease. Additionally, this prevents your customers to dropout of the website from such page where they have no interactions.
Community board high five. To use the widget, download it for free and follow the steps: • Double Click on the zip file to open it. • Double click on the.mulib file. • Find the widget in the Library panel of muse (Window > Library) • Drag the widget. • Change the duration after which the page will be auto redirected. • Add the destination link, where the redirection will take place. • To see the widget in action before publishing, Preview the SITE instead of PAGE. Preview the widget here: And wait for 5 seconds.
130 Adobe Muse Templates (or 1,264 web pages) which includes a 28-page PDF that shows you every template we're providing and the associated file name in your download. 356 Widgets (it's actually more but we zip common widgets together) which also includes a 26-page PDF that shows off every single widget (and pack) included. Get complete access to the web's largest library of 150+ professionally developed Adobe Muse widgets.